Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Everyday Magic

Yes All of that stuff. I like the idea of referencing
some medievil seal with a name that matches etc, lets
work that some more. I remembered that Thursday is
cath's birthday, so we might be doing something I'm
not sure. I'll let you know and we can work around it.

In the interests of artistic exploration I like the
idea of working on different art styles and one off
pieces for now. It fits nicely with larger projects
like Burning Man and a possible gallery show
afterwards. It would be nice to work within seasonal
cycles that might influence the direction on a small
number of excellent projects. We also have very
different skills so we can think about how to combine
them for some stuff and also just do our own work. A
Blog might be good too. Somewhere we can post
progress. That idea also helps with motivation and

You talked about "living an exceptional life" on the
weekend. The broader awareness of art in it's newly
developing form and everything we talk about around
interacting with people and next level thinking wants
to be represented in our work. It's a complex
philosophy but pretty grass roots at the same time.
Maybe we should try and get a handle on exactly what
that might mean, to "Live an exceptional life".

The Cult of Everyday Magic. Not bad.


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